Data Integration:Data-Driven Discovery from Diverse Data Sources
Wednesday--March 4, 2020--Prof. Genevera Allen--Rice University
KNG: A New Mechanism for Data Privacy
Wednesday--March 11, 2020--Prof, Matthew Reimherr--Pennsylvania State University
RSVP-graphs: Fast High-dimensional Covariance Matrix Estimation Under Latex Confounding
Wednesday--April 15, 2020--Prof. Rajen Shah--University of Cambridge
Statistical inference for Spatio-Temporal Self-Exciting Point Processes
Wednesday--May 6, 2020--Prof. Yao Xie--Georgia Institute of Technology
Kernal Tests of Goodness-of-Fit using Stein's Method
Wednesday--May 20, 2020--Prof. Arthur Gretton--University College London
Inference for Heterogeneous Treatment Effects using Low-Rank Estimations
Wednesday--June 10, 2020--Prof. Yuan Liao--Rutgers University