Program Schedule


Thursday, 07 March 2013

 8:00  -   9:00

Registration and Breakfast

 9:00  -   9:20


 9:20  - 10:20

Session I

·        Robert Shumway

Title: Nonlinear Mixed Models for Detection and Estimation of Seismic Signals

·        Robert Blandford

Title: An Action-Space/Expected-Cost-of-Classification (ECC) Approach to Theoretical Seismic Discrimination

10:20 - 10:40

Coffee Break

10:40 - 12:10

Session II

·        Maria Cameron

Title: Seismic Velocity Estimation from Time Migration

·        Abel Rodriguez

Title: Some Applications of Bayesian Statistical Methods in Computer Models, Classification and Risk Assessment

·        Ping Ma

Title: Imaging the Earth's Deep Interior: a Statistical Perspective

12:10 - 13:30


13:30 - 15:30

Session III

·        Keith Mclaughlin

Title: Use of Correlated Error Models in Seismic Location

·        David Stoffer

Title: Discrimination and Classification of Nonstationary Time   Series Using the SLEX Model

·        Kai-sheng Song

Title:  Some Periodic and Self-Exciting Point Processes for Earthquake Modeling

·        Rong Chen

Title: Monte Carlo Methods and their Potential Applications in Seismic Event Monitoring

15:30 - 15:50

Coffee Break

15:50 - 17:30

Open Discussions


Conference Adjourned



Friday, 08 March 2013

  8:00 -  9:30
